John J. Cerilli has been an active motorcycle enthusiast and rider for over 40 years. He has owned and ridden over 25 motorcycles including: Japanese, Italian, German, British, and of course, four “Big Twin” Harley Davidson’s. He currently rides a 2007 Harley Davidson FLHR 96 cubic inch Road King and a 1983 Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans-III.

John has ridden throughout the continental United States, Mexico, Canada, and Europe. In 1982, with two other friends, on a 1976 BMW R75/6, he completed the infamous “Great Escape Tour”, covering 22,000 miles of the USA and Canada in 9 months. In 2004-2005, John lived, worked in Aachen, Germany, and rode a 1993 Triumph Trident 900 throughout the beautiful North Rhineland Westphalia region, including Belgium and the Netherlands.

Nolan Woodbury began his motorcycling journey in 1977, when at the age of 17 he purchased from a family friend a 1969 Moto Guzzi V700. Since then, Woodbury has owned a succession of European, Japanese and British-made motorcycles. The youngest member of an active motorcycling family, Nolan followed his father and three older brothers; Neil, Nick and Nathan down a lifelong two-wheeled path.

Born in Cherokee, Iowa, Leo and Joy Woodbury moved Nolan and the other boys from the Midwest to Arizona in January of 1966, where they established Cherokee Tool Company three years later. Nolan grew to appreciate and admire all things mechanical, and just as ex-racers make ideal road test pilots, his background in the machine tool industry gives Nolan a perspective from ‘the other side of the coin’.

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