The French have a weakness for Americana. As well as cowboy boots, Jerry Lewis movies and A4 flying jackets, they have turned comic art into a national tradition, and Denis Sire’s talent has found the perfect niche in this popular culture.

From the coastal town of Saint Nazaire, Sire escaped provincial France to Paris where he studied drawing for six years at the L’Ecole des Arts Appliqués.

The magazine Metal Hurlant was the first to publish his unique fantasies ; later french Playboy featured his erotic nostalgia.
Sire’s cartoon world combines all his favourite obsessions : ‘50’s, rock’n roll star, ‘60’s motor sport and hot rods, curvaceous Varga style pin-ups and the secret world of bondage queen Betty Page.

This eclectic mix has resulted in such wild comic fantasies as Menace Diabolique, Bois Willys and Lisabay which are published by Les Humanoïdes Associés.
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